Monday, August 25, 2008

“You Might Give Some Serious Thought to Thanking Your Lucky Stars You’re in Texas,”

That's the motto of the Goode Co. Texas Bar-B-Q in Houston, Texas.

But what are your lucky stars? I don't really know, but I suspect that it is related to ASTROLOGY. Now, some folks confuse the terms "astronomy" and "astrology". But there is a huge difference. Astronomy is an empirical science that deals with the large scale structure of the universe itself, all that is beyond the atmosphere of Earth. Astrology, on the other hand, is not a true science. It is a study of sorts, but it assumes that celestial objects have a significant impact on the course of human affairs. The position of the sun with relation to the signs of the zodiac at your moment of birth, for example, (your "sign", such as Gemini or Capricorn) are thought to influence your life. Enough of an influence that you are able to read a horoscope in the newspaper that can advise you on what your day holds and how to respond to it. You and approximately 500,000,000 other people on Earth who share that sign...

When we consider what we know about genetics, and how that influences our development and behavior; and what we understand about learned behavior, through both sensory experience and education; the thought that a handfull of stars scattered across hundreds of millions of miles of space has a significant impact on our worldly affairs seems pretty far-fetched.

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